International Roaming
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Hamrah Aval’s Roaming provides the possibility for its subscribers to benefit from calling, texting, and internet services on their SIM cards during foreign trips, without the need to change their SIM cards. Currently, this service is available through 216 mobile phone operators in 112 countries. Also, special discount packages for high-traffic countries such as Iraq, UAE, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have been considered for subscribers so that they can meet their data, conversation, and SMS needs by spending at a relatively low cost. In addition, in order to provide better service to subscribers, campaigns with special services are offered to subscribers on different days of a year and on different occasions, such as Arbaeen campaign, Haj, summer trips to Turkey and Emirates, and Nowruz holidays. For example, every year during the Arbaeen campaign, roaming services are provided to about 3 million subscribers, and more than 500 terabytes of data traffic is transferred.